Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Staple or Sew

What you are about to read may seem shocking, you may empathize or think I'm stark raving mad, but this is all in good fun.

I exited Union Station on my way to my interview today, and while i felt the lining of my favorite purple pencil skirt riding up I scuffled along looking for a corner to hide so that I could pull the aforementioned lining down. Just my luck there was no such corner in sight, instead the only thing I found was the sound of the slit rip and all I could feel was a more than uncomfortable backside breeze. I scanned the area for a bench and dialed my version of 911 to my favorite Aunt's cellphone. As I sat down waiting for my guardian angel (who thankfully works strides away from the scene of the crime) I had to laugh to keep from crying. There's a reason I forced myself to leave 2 hours ahead of time, not because I'm psychic and could see my skirt ripping while walking down 1st street before it happened, if I had I would have worn pants.

I had the oddest eureka moment, let me explain: There's always that person on Project Runway you think is just too crazy, even for the show. Well today I finally understood Jason & the stapler. For those of you that don't watch Project Runway this is a guy who took a kimono, put it on his model backwards, stapled it together and called it fashion-forward. In an act of terminal desperation I asked my aunt to bring me a stapler & a sewing kit, thank God my guardian angel's mother was a seamstress. Suffice it to say I never used the stapler and she stitched my skirt back to perfection in 5 minutes, with a few tacks on the lining so I wouldn't have to face disaster two times in one day.

(image courtesy of Rahxy on deviantart.com)

That's all she wrote... For Now

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