Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ticket Stub

I was in a rush to catch my train and get to JFK yesterday, not that it mattered since my flight was delayed about an hour and a half anyway. While I was walking down the stairs entering the subway, this guy was walking up, we'll call him A. Usually when a guy tries to stop me I act like a deer (or doe) in headlights. A asks if I have a minute, I tell him "no, I don't have a minute, I have a flight to catch." For some reason me saying I had no time gave him cause to request two minutes, by this time I know I'm flirting (just a little bit) I ask him all too sweetly "if I don't have a minute, where would I get two," he antes up to three minutes and opts to follow me back down the stairs. It's a classic cat and mouse game, except I should hate this because I'm definitely not mousy. He asks for my number and instead of pulling out a smartphone or a rinky-dinky old phone he pulls out an AMC ticket stub, I'm a movie addict so it registers to me automatically. Instead of giving him the run around about not giving out my number the modesty of that action won me over, ain't I a sucker?

That's all she wrote... For Now

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