Almost every year I make a bunch of resolutions that by two months into the new year I've either forgotten or broken beyond repair. In mindless adolescence I made the ridiculous resolution to find a boyfriend, promised myself I wouldn't let the highschool 'love of my life' back into my life, and all sorts of ludicrous relationship resolutions that have bluntly and painfully not panned out the way I thought they would. This year my resolutions are a bit more basic, a list of practical goals that I can meet with a little self control and a bit of determination.
Ten Resolutions I'll Keep:
Find a Job I'll Love.
This means pounding the pavement and getting out from behind my computer screen, a concept that has become more difficult since I've been in cyber land for the last eight months.
Appreciate the Area that I Live in More.
I spent 95% percent of my day behind a computer screen in one room of the house. I watch TV at the same time that I'm using my computer and I barely go anywhere, this needs to stop. I'm not the kind of person that enjoys the hermit life.
Start Writing My Book.
Between finding inspirations (this means reading and experiencing more) and actually putting pen to moleskine, I need to start writing my first novel.
Stop Shopping for Things I Don't Need.
A staple on almost every woman's list, nevertheless I don't have the money to throw around and buy, buy, buy so the debit/credit card is under suspension.
Put my BlackBerry in the Backseat When I'm Driving.
I drive a car with a manual transmission, holding my BlackBerry while changing gears is a no no. Even with bluetooth in the car I've found it hard to cut the crackberry habit for however long my trip is, this will stop.
Get my American Driver's License.
I have my Canadian one, but it's about time I traded the darn thing in and sat through that three hour video they make you watch. This should be the first thing I get done come Monday.
Learn the Virtue of Patience.
I've found that my patience has been running thin, whether I need to take up Yoga or a kickboxing class, I've got to find another outlet for my anger.
Stop Living Vicariously through Pop Culture.
I watch way too much TV and Movies, and I read too many books, it's become this thing where I live in them or through them, rather than finding my own path.
Spend More Time at Museums & Art Galleries.
I love these places, they're awe inspiring and I need to rekindle my love affair.
Reconnect With Myself, My Goals, My Desires, and My Plan.
Pretty self explanatory, but I need to develop a way to hold onto these things in the face of whatever adversity comes my way.
Three I Won't:
Be less pessimistic about love.
Three words: Just Not Me.
Lay off the sugary sweet stuff and lose 15 pounds.
Or else I find a job and move out this isn't going to happen any time soon, it'll be a found my independence resolution in a little while.
Stop repeating my romantic history.
I've fallen in love twice in my life, the two guys are more alike than I'd like to admit and neither are practical. However, I can't seem to break the cycle, I'm into the star crossed lover thing.
Out with 2010 in with 2011.
In the words of my all-time favorite Jezebel post - 'Fuck You 2010'
That's All She Wrote... For Now