Growing up my sister and I have had our moments, between the sibling rivalry and the intense sisterly affection we’ve found ourselves stuck with each other for life. She was born when I was seven years old and as I danced in the hospital chanting “I’m going to be a big sister” I had no idea how drastically my world was about to change. I've been the guardian of her best interests since day one, starting with preventing my mother from naming her Chloe. Can you imagine one sister named Chanelle and another Chloe, like a set of French fashion design houses? My mom might have thought it poetic, but I stood firm in my resolve. I named her Channon, sticking to my mothers plan that we'd both have the same initials. We are now and forever CTS1 & CTS2.
I blame her for stealing my childhood, and she’s taken responsibility for that with a shocking level of pride and amusement. Fate dealt me the final blow when she turned 13 and measured in at an inch taller than me. It was then I became the little sis, even though she teases me that I’m now halfway to 40.
When I finally got my license and a full time job I saved up time working extra hours so that I could take days off to spend with her. We went on sister bonding trips: shopping on Queen St. in downtown Toronto, exploring the Toronto Zoo and hiking at Crawford Lake (an almost near death experience *ahem*).
Now we live in a new place, and we’re making new memories starting with shopping sprees in Georgetown to burn off the calories from the Georgetown Cupcakes we ate for breakfast earlier that morning.
We have a mantra we live by when it comes to our ‘I love you’s that goes something like: “I love you; I love you more; you couldn’t possibly; I love you before God even invented the earth; times one million googooplex; times infinity, ha!” (kudos to my calculus knowledge). She calls me the most embarrassing nickname – Chanelly Babelly McSmelly from New Dehli and despite that we’ve never been closer than we are now. For the record, I love her more!
That’s all she wrote... For Now